Fotografski natečaj “Gradimo mostove”

V okviru popularizacije matematike in v sodelovanju z mednarodnim projektom Erasmus+ Building Bridges, že petič razpisujemo fotografski natečaj izvirnih fotografij. Mostovi nas povezujejo, vsebujejo pa veliko matematike, zato vas vabimo, da v objektiv ujamete tistega in takšnega, za katerega menite, da je poseben, povezuje, širi toleranco ali ste v njem odkrili matematiko. Bodite inovativni, razmišljajte tudi izven okvirjev, poglejte dlje od fizičnega mostu, ki povezuje dve obali reke.


Na natečaju lahko sodelujejo vsi dijaki DSŠ Lendava ter dijaki šol, ki sodelujejo v projektu Erasmus+ Building Bridges, ki se ljubiteljsko ali profesionalno ukvarjajo s fotografijo. Sodelujejo lahko tudi učitelji sodelujočih šol, vendar se le ti ne bodo potegovali za nagrade.


Fotografije (vsako posebej!) oddajte preko obrazca na spletne strani DSŠ Lendava obvezno z ustreznim poimenovanjem fotografije: ime_priimek_naslovfotografije (brez šumnikov).

V spletnem obrazcu je pa potrebno pripisati še naslednje podatke:

  • Ime in priimek avtorja,
  • razred (oz. pripis – učitelj),
  • naziv šole, država,
  • naslov fotografije,
  • kraj in datum nastanka posnetka,
  • kratek zapis o tem, kaj »matematičnega« je na posnetku.

Natečaj bo potekal od 10. 10. 2019 do 1. 3. 2020. Rok za oddajo fotografij je 1. 3. 2020.


  • Fotografija mora biti posneta v digitalni obliki v formatu JPG ali JPEG.
  • Fotografija mora imeti izvorno ločljivost minimalno 1600×1200 svetlobnih točk (pixlov)
  • Fotografija mora izražati avtorjev pogled o temi natečaja: »Gradimo mostove«.
  • Vsak udeleženec razpisa lahko sodeluje z največ 3


  • Prijavljeni jamčijo, da so avtorji fotografij.
  • Prijavljeni dovoljujejo objavo rezultatov.
  • Avtorji dovoljujejo šolam, ki sodelujejo na natečaju, da oddane fotografije uporabljajo za nekomercialne namene v svojih materialih (spletna stran, fb, publikacije, koledar) ter za razstavo v šolskih prostorih. Ob uporabi fotografij bo navedeno ime in priimek avtorja.


Izmed vseh poslanih fotografij bo tričlanska komisija izbrala predvidoma 20 fotografij, ki bodo razstavljene na šoli, 3 najboljše pa bo tudi nagrajene. Rezultati natečaja bodo objavljeni v torek, 31. 3. 2020, ob otvoritvi razstave v času mednarodne izmenjave v okviru projekta Erasmus+ Building Bridges, na spletni strani šole in na strani projekta Erasmus+ Building Bridges, na šolskem FB in strani skupine Building Bridges.


Avtorji najboljših treh fotografij po izboru tričlanske komisije bodo dobili praktične nagrade.


Izbrane fotografije z imeni avtorjev in naslovom fotografije bodo razstavljene od torka, 31. 3. 2020, v pritličju DSŠ Lendava.

Koordinatorica natečaja: Helena Antolin Tibaut, prof. mat.
Več informacij:

Photo competition »Building Bridges«

Within the projects Popularization of Mathematics and international Erasmus+ Building Bridges project, we are inviting you to take part in a photo competition. Bridges connect and are at the same time closely connected to Math, therefore we are inviting you to take photos of those that you feel are special, connect, spread tolerance or you see Math in them. Think outside of the box here, wider than just actual bridges that connect two sides of a river. We would like to see your innovative ideas in this respect.


All students of the schools of the Erasmus+ Building Bridges project are eligible. We will also welcome photos by teachers of these schools, but they will not be able to win a prize.


The photos (each separately!) are to be submitted with the form attached (, together with the suitable title of the photo: name_surname_titleofthephoto (in native language and in English).
In the form we need to get the following info as well:

  • Name and surname of the author,
  • class (or if the author is a teacher),
  • name of school, country,
  • title of the photo,
  • time and place the photo was taken,
  • a short description of what is on the photo and how it is relevant to the competition (in English).

The competition will start on 10. 10. 2019 at the occasion of #Erasmusdays and will be open until 1. 3. 2020. The final day to submit photos is 1. 3. 2020.


  • All photos must be digital, in forms JPG or JPEG.
  • All photos need to be at least 1600×1200 pixels.
  • All photos must express the authors personal view of the subject matter.
  • Each student can submit no more than 3 original photos.


  • By entering this competition, you declare you are the author of the photo.
  • By entering this competition, you agree with your name being published with the results of the competition.
  • By entering this competition, the authors explicitly allow all participating schools to use the photos for non-commercial use in their materials (webpage, FB, publications, calendar) and for exhibitions within these schools. The photos will always feature the name and surname of the author.


A committee of three people will select approximately 20 submitted photos, which will be first exhibited in the school in Slovenia during the visit of all partner schools in late March 2020 while the best three will also receive a prize. The results of the competition will be publicly announced on Tuesday, 31. 3. 2020, when the exhibition is opened within the mobility Erasmus+ Building Bridges, and later also on webpages of all schools and on the website of the project Erasmus+ Building Bridges and on FB profiles of the schools.


Authors of the best three photos will receive a practical prize.


The chosen photos and the names of their authors will be displayed in schools after 31. 3. 2020.

Coordinator of the competition: Helena Antolin Tibaut, prof. mat.
More info: